Student Council
The Student Council of MCRS is an association of the representatives of the students. Guided by the Student Council Supervisor, the School Leader heads the Student Council. The Head Girl and Head Boy of the school, assists the School Leader. The Secretaries of all the Students Clubs, the House Captains and the Vice Captains together form the members of the Student Council.
It is considered as an honor by the students to be a member of the Student Council. Every academic year witnesses the selection of a new Student Council. The Student Council is formed in the very first month of every academic year, and formally inaugurated in the same month. The formal introduction of Student Council Members is done at the inaugural function followed by their badging and Oath taking ceremony.
The Student Council members are honored for their deeds on the Annual Day. On the Annul Day, ‘Student Council Member of the Year’ is awarded to that Student Council Member who scores the highest point in performing his/her duties and responsibilities.